The Desk

My very messy desk in HQ

If anyone has ever visited EOCA HQ, they’ll more than likely run across this large and messy desk just past the lounge area. My old map making desk, still covered in old scrolls, notes, drawings, and just rather unkempt all this time. However, there’s a few mementos and memories placed on here that I cherish very fondly with priceless sentimental value.

1 – Star Globe.
This is a double-edged reason for being here. The first being that no cartographer’s desk should be without some sort of globe on it, and the other being that I’ve personally had a globe on my desk ever since I was a very young bun. My Dad got me a globe when I was either 3 or 4, and it’s so old that it still has USSR along with East & West Germany on it. Certainly had a lot of love, and a lot of solar bleaching happen to it over the years.

2 – Azelma’s Flowers.
Back when EOCA hit Rank 30, which as of this writing is the max rank for a Free Company, I was gifted these flowers from our dear friend Azelma in congrats of achieving the feat. This is something that we honestly thought would have taken a lot longer to accomplish, but with perseverance we managed to do so well before the end of Endwalker. I made sure to give them a place on the desk as a memory.

3 – Kibby’s Flowers.
During my more active tenure with The Burgundy Room, I would assist with staff and handling tips at the end of the shows. One show, once it was all concluded, I was gifted these lovely red flowers from Kibby who was performing at the show that evening.

4 – Burgundy Flowers.
These flowers I can’t remember who personally gave them to me, but given the red ribbon I dyed on it, someone from Burgundy during the earlier years did so during the end of a performance. I have been gifted several other flowers, including one from Sirena, but those have been placed in my apartment instead. Sirena’s in particular has a pink ribbon on it.

5 – Coffee Mug.
There’s a lot of these around HQ, and certainly my desk is no unfamiliar place for a nice hot mug. Representing a lot of aspects of my life, but also when I would work on maps, there usually would be some coffee in close proximity!

6 – Winery.
This one not many folks would probably know the story behind it. Years, and years ago when the Aether Event Center was around (it’s been gone a long while now), and I was just starting out before EOCA was established, I was making the maps for the Aether Event Center and working/participating in events they hosted. It was a very fun and wild time, but once the AEC’s mansion was acquired/established, I was surprise gifted my own desk within it! The desk was so gorgeous, and it had these bottles of wine and glass on top of it. I wanted to keep those early days’ memory close.

7 – Carbuncle Lamp.
Kind of part of the above, one of these was on my desk as a nod to Aikirees’ love of Carbuncles during the AEC’s tenure. It has since been placed down on my desk for that reason, and I think Aikirees appreciates one just being there to help illuminate the desk overall.

8 – Envelopes.
Kind of a self-jab with how I tended to organize requests, and other items that came across my inbox. Rest assured, everything was done and addressed in a timely manner, but was just not well organized for the longest time.

9 – Notes, schematics, old drawings, etc.
Another self-jab: my catch-all of everything that is not sprawled out all messy-like on the desk. Various things piled within these mountains of paper. The rest of them have made it with moderate success into The Archives proper.

I think that coves the basis of that desk. The walls have maps and schematics on it, along with a bunch on the desk too. It’s a chaotic mess for certain, but the memories it holds are priceless and timeless to me and I wouldn’t want to change it for anything.

Sharlayan Northern Lights

Me looking up at the Aurora Borealis in Old Sharlayan.

It’s not often I get to catch this phenomenon while traveling around, but happened to be in Old Sharlayan at the right time to catch the Aurora Borealis over the city. I’ve only been able to see it here a handful of times, but it’s always so pretty to see those auras just dance across the clear night sky.

Heavensturn 2025

Aikirees and I with the Great White Serpent in HQ's Lounge.

Last week, we got around to enjoying this year’s Heavensturn event. It was a little different with trivia questions, but was enjoyable, and enlightening. It’s not a very long event overall, but still fun! The fortune draw came back once again this year as well, and we all pulled to see our annual fortune.

Most of us faired rather well, except for Aikirees.

What’s good even with the misfortune ones is they give advice on what to do to turn the fortunes around, so it’s not necessarily an ‘ominously bad’ fortune to get.

Hope everyone who went forth to get a fortune got what they hoped for! Just remember, even ones like Aikirees can be spun around to become great ones too!

Merry Christmas & Happy Starlight!

Aikirees and I in front of a Starlight Tree wearing Starlight-Themed Dresses.

Merry Christmas & Happy Starlight Celebration y’all! Here’s to best wishes on a wonderfully Happy Holidays, and conclusion to 2024! From all of us to y’all, we really and truly hope it’s been a wonderful one!

Let the countdown to 2025 begin, as we keep kicking tails into the new year!

All Through the House

Aikirees passed out under the Starlight Tree.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a… Hrothgar?

… w-wait, that’s not how that’s supposed to go! W-well, I guess it’s better she decided to sleep under the tree rather than try to get into it. I.. really don’t want to find out exactly how sturdy that base is versus her. I know it’s capable of holding its own against Miqo’te as in prior years it has certainly attracted the HQ’s residents towards it, including a Cabbit who to this day doesn’t understand exactly why.

In the meantime, we all can enjoy it’s lovely warmly presence; whether it’s around, under, or.. as very close as possible to the Starlight Tree.

Under the Starry Night

Aikirees and I under a starry night while crafting on a spinning wheel next to a camp fire.

During our gathering and crafting adventures over the weekend, Aikirees and I decided to sit down under the beautiful starry night in Lakeland. She got a nice warm fire going while I churned out some bolts of cloth we were needing to get some items all sewn up right.

I feel like some moons ago, I did something similar for her when it was heavily snowing out closer to home.

Happy Starlight & Holidays 2024

Aikirees and I with the Starlight Tree.

Happy Starlight Season to everyone! May it be an absolutely wonderful holiday season for everyone out there!

Aikirees and I got the tree up in HQ for the season’s festivities along with putting our outfits together. I’m… probably not going to wear the reindeer antlers the entire season, but I am happy that I’m now able to with my glasses.

Let’s make the last month of 2024 stellar!

Echoes Across Time

Aikirees fast asleep in her bunk bed.

As Aikirees sleeps deeply one night, faint memories that are, but also not, hers come passing through her mind. A world she once would have called her home in a past life, Vana’Diel. As vague as the images are, she’s able to make out what they are and when in time.

Aikirees from Vana'Diel looking at the Earth Protocrystal.

The first being an early memory of many many summers past. Just starting out as a fledgling Summoner, barely after befriending what would become one of her closest soul bound friends, Carbuncle. There she was standing in front of a large floating crystal – even now she could sense that the presence inside was the powerful primal, Titan. One of many she had to encounter on her journey back then to be able to fully weld the power of the Primals. Ultimately, Aikirees succeed in such an enormous task, and seeing the memory once more brings back the rest of the journey she took to do so. At first all she had was Carbuncle, but in the end she had many friends to call upon for aid.

Some of the memories she tries to make out whisk by far too quick for her to recall clearly enough, but once the memories of the Primals had faded away, one of a looming and dark castle pierces through the fog in her dream.

She knew this place, and knew a dark presence lived there. Even in her sleep, she curled the edges of her mouth with a low snarl. Castle Zvahl Baileys was the name of this foreboding place, and it was here she with her friends took on a defeated the Shadow Lord. Unsure as to why this memory pierced her mind so clearly, even as vague as it came to her, it didn’t make her feel well nonetheless.

A lot of whirlwind memories continue passing by with such force, but a couple become less vague and more clear with warmth behind them. Some of the friends she made along the way appear as she adventured throughout some parts of Vana’Diel.

They were with her through a lot of trials and tribulations, but also for the small quiet moments as well. She remembers a lot of the silly memories that they all made together, but also the ones that got everyone to save the world over and over again. Everything from small group gatherings in a few places, to taking on Ark Angels on floating continents, there was no short of moments happening throughout her life there!

But… why now, what does it all mean? She knew this life, and it was two lives ago now – not counting the one she was gifted recently. More of the moments pass by quickly, but she begins to have a hard time focusing on them. Her conscious returns to the now, and all of the images she kept seeing disappear within a dark cloudy haze.

Aikirees slowly wakes back up, back home in HQ. Sitting up for a moment, she decides to hop out of the top bunk bed and head out of the bedroom for a moment. Trying to not stir me in the processes (she almost did so successfully, but I am Viera after all!), Aikirees heads outside to help clear her mind.

As she stepped outside, the cool crisp night air of Ishgard helps clear her mind a bit. Unsure of it all, she takes a moment to pause and star at the stars. Will there be more of these dreams? Are they an omen of things to come? She shakes the thoughts from her mind, and heads back inside to get some rest the remaining part of the night. Only time will tell why now of all times these memories of a past Echo come rushing back.

Knowing Aikirees though, it always has a reason…

Tranquil Moment

Aikirees and I sitting on a bench in front of a fountain.

Normally Aikirees and I stop into Old Sharlayan weekly to pick up a hunt, but in this case decided to stop for a quiet moment in front of this lovely fountain in front of the Leveilleur Estate. Listening to the fountain flow on a clear day with the sea breeze passing by was something we certainly needed.

Feels like forever since we took a small spell here. The last time I believe it was after saving the Star on a quiet Saturday morning in the spring. Aikirees was still prior-journeyed self having a biscuit while I was combing over notes for maps with a hot tea. That in itself feels like a lifetime ago and it’s not even been a year yet from my retirement. Having these little moments though does remind me that we need to continue to keep having them, even with being as running around as much as I have been lately.

Reminiscing aside, y’all have a wonderful day ahead!


Aikirees and I resting our foreheads on each other in front of a starry background.

No words said, just a gentle head boop from my dear younger sister is all it took to tell me everything.

Even with us having been through so much, sometimes that is all it really takes, and I love her for the simple reminders.

Blitz Halloween 2024

Aikirees, Kami, and I dancing in costume.

After catching up with Aikirees, we headed out to Destiny’s [Blitz] house in Shirogane for their 11th annual Halloween Party. The last time we made it to one was I believe four years ago. Their house hadn’t moved in that span of time, but it was certainly decked out for the season!

We got there about an hour or so into it, and the costume contest had just begun. There were all lovely and clever entries with one person dressed as a tonberry (much to Aikirees’ chagrin) taking the gold at the end of it. Our friend, Kaminila, took 3rd place in the contest! During all of this, one of the contestants complimented my outfit as well. The FC leader, who is a good friend of both Kaminila and I, was unfortunately absent, but it’s pretty easy for us to get here; so we’ll just have to pay a visit sometime thereafter to catch up with him then.

The evening was incredibly delightful! There was music, the costume contest, some games, and a bunch of goodies given away throughout the evening. I don’t believe anyone left without anything, but even still there was no way of not leaving without a smile on one’s face. I did get a special minion that reminds Aikirees of a certain Virtue from her past life that I can torment her with now! We stayed for a good long while, but once Kaminila headed out to sleep, we decided it was a good time to do so too.

We really want to go again next year, and at least try to catch up with our friends again soon, even though I know with all of our schedules that might take some time. Even still, this was a night we certainly won’t forget.

All Saints’ Wake 2024

Aikirees and I in costume in front of a bunch of All Saints' Wake decorations.

We got around to seeing the All Saints’ Wake event for this year, which was a nice continuation of characters that we’ve seen over the last few years. The story itself is fun but quick and gifts a really nice outfit in the end, also unlocking the two festive areas to explore and hang out in.

What we noticed this year was the sheer amount of people that were dressed up in costumes! There was everything from witches, anime characters, to one person being Bane from Batman! At one point even saw Snow White pass by while I was waiting on Aikirees to adjust her costume. Mine hasn’t changed all that much over the last couple of years, seeing as I’m a big fan of masquerades (and also the fact that I’m Viera). It was really, really fun and the energy matched the evening! We ended up spending a bit of time in the Spooky Hollow area as the decor there is just so lovely with a perfectly matching environment.

This coming weekend being the big Spoop Weekend will have a slew of events happening across Eorzea as well, and looking forward to seeing what everyone gets up to! May y’all have a wonderful Halloween and All Saints’ Wake!


Aikirees and I resting in the Lounge on floor pillows at EOCA HQ.

We’re home. We’re really home again. The last week with Milton was harrowing, but we made it and here we are back at EOCA HQ – home. Sirena put on the orchestration ‘Coming Home,’ which in itself was appreciatively fitting. However, the song itself has always had warm fuzzy feelings coincide with it.

It’s hard to explain what about the song gives off those feelings, and that’s prior to hearing where/when the song itself plays in Heavensward, but it just always has. Aikirees, on the other hand, has a stronger connection to it as well before my arrival in Eorzea, a good friend she once knew took her out to the area it plays at. The memories of those days still resonate with her, as does the shield she still welds to this day.

Aethercon 2024

Aikirees and I on a sidewalk overlooking the beach below with a bunch of people enjoying a band playing.

As I mentioned in the Monday Recap, Saturday evening we headed over to Crystal – Zalera to partake in the Aethercon Event. Specifically the Roleplay Market, which was all set up rather nicely within a section of the residential District in Mist. I really did not know what to fully expect upon our arrival, but thankfully their site had a little map with places of interest marked onto it. There was the feeling of precaution lingering in my mind about even going still, but that melted away fairly quick upon our arrival.

It was bustling with activity! Everything from some of the small little shops selling wares to passing customers, and a lot of discussions about! We really just enjoyed listening to it all as it was so lively. We didn’t really engage, but just listen to everyone along with the bard bands playing on the beach below us; however, Aikirees and I did wander off from time to time to see what else folks were up to. It kind of sprawled from this area and up the sidewalk leading to a few other places sprinkled in the vicinity.

I tended to wander a bit more, curious if I might run into anyone that I would have known in the past, but no one looked familiar. Some of the side paths branched off into little groups talking as well, and it all lead up to a house that was holding outdoor performances. One person that we did know was performing here, and it had been a very long while since I had the chance to see her perform. I don’t believe Aikirees ever hand the chance to even as far back as the Aether Event Center days.

Leading into that portion of the evening: April Cleo, a macro dancing performer who started out many years back. I first met her back in the incredibly early days of the Burgundy Room and the Aether Event Center. Regardless, she’s excellent at her craft and has been honing on it all these years. Part of heading to Aethercon was to see her performance since it has been probably about 3 or so years since the last time when she performed with the now long gone ESprit group.

While a bit on the shorter side to accommodate the convention’s schedule, she was absolutely stellar! It was a very enjoyable show that we were glad to have made. Afterwards she went around to say hi to everyone and thank everyone for coming to the show. After a little bit of mingling, since she was the last performance, everyone started to head back out to the rest of the convention area as did we to finish out the evening.

So we listened to a few more bard bands play, hear the talks of the area, and about an hour or so later, it started to clear out with folks either heading to rest or to the venues having live DJ’s. That’s really not our thing, so we decided to just pause, and decompress before heading back to Aether and HQ.

It really was a fun evening seeing everyone interact and enjoy a part of the community that I had stepped away from in an official sense (we’re always in character if you ever see us). Supposedly next year they’re going to host this again with it possibly being a bigger event, and if they do, we’ll be back and more than likely put the ‘RP’ tag up as well to let folks know that we can be approached to interact with as well.

Spoopy Scary Seestahs 2024

Me sitting on a throne wickedly smiling with Aikirees standing next to me expressing a 'shush.'

~Spoopy, Scary, Seetahs have returned for more FRIGHTS!~

Happy Spoopy Month y’all! October is once again upon us, and we’re so ready! Aikirees and I got our outfits all set up for another All Saints’ Wake, and any/all spoopy festivities that happen to come up for the season!

We always get very excited for this time of year with everything that comes with it. Miss Lizz and Laureine are going to be sticking with their demon and other dem-… angel outfits this year (and probably for a while thereafter).

Y’all have a very fun and very safe Spoopy Season ahead!

Morning Mages

Aikirees and I close up during a morning sunrise.

Feels almost like yesterday when we were here in this same attire practicing healing magics. It was shortly thereafter saving all of existence from being destroyed, so with said reality having been saved, we turned from our usual dark arts to its complete opposite for a time. Lest not to replace our fiery ways, but to keep our elements mostly in balance and not to forget doing so entirely.

Aikirees arrived there, on the Airship Landing at Radz-at-Han, just before daybreak. It was mostly clear and we were getting ready to visit with the Hippo Riders and see what we could do for them this day.

Rather than like the last time she was waiting on me, where she was a Miqo’te leaning against a few boxes with a wicked smirk across her face, she was looking off into the distance towards the East. It was calm, with just the slightest hint of a breeze passing over the landing, and I suspect she was focused on all of her surroundings. She looked so calm.

About the time I approached her to let her know we could head out, the sun broke the horizon giving us a gorgeous warm glowing view of a new day over Thavnair. We looked at each other for a moment, and then back to the horizon for another to bask in the morning light, and then headed on out like we have done so many times before and will here on after as well.

The Falcon

Aikirees and I looking up at the Falcon in the Workshop's interface.

A little bit ago, a lot of us we’re able to finish up constructing our second airship! Sirena suggested the name of the Falcon from Final Fantasy IV, and it’s since then had several successful journeys into the Sea of Clouds. However, it never had a proper color scheme to represent it; that is until now. Once it returned to HQ the other night, we managed to get it all painted up in a similar fashion to that of the one seen in Final Fantasy IV – propellers aside being substituted for the zeppelin instead.

Aikirees being in pure awe I think made the highlight for the evening once it got all spruced up with the new colors. It was once again sent out on another voyage. Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Voyager has been steadily exploring far far into the Sea of Clouds having found some interesting sites along the way. That one is nearing almost max rank and we normally don’t see it for a couple of days now!

Safe travels, little Falcon! May the winds and your adventures out into the wild blue yonder be just as safe as they are full of new wonders!

Fae Light

Aikirees and I sitting across from a possible Faerie Gate.

Aikirees and I have seen this interesting little spot in in Il Mheg for quite some time now, but usually when the weather has been less than favorable or it was daytime. We managed to catch it on a clear crisp night, and decided to explore it more.

At the center is this well-lit flowery ring with rocks circling around it with bushmen nearby. Could this be a gateway to another Fae Realm? Will we get pulled into it if we stare at it long enough? W-will we end up switching bodies just by peering at each other through it long enou–… you know, l-let’s not tempt fate with this and just pretend it doesn’t exist…

Our Journey…

Aikirees, Sirena, Juli, and I sitting atop the entrance archway to EOCA HQ.

We all got together last night for some more Heavensward bird hunting that went incredibly well, and then ended the night taking a relaxing moment to end the weekend. Ultimately atop the entrance archway to EOCA HQ.

It’s been an incredibly long journey to this point. Aikirees and I both started on completely different worlds at different times. Met some incredibly wonderful folks that became friends and helped kick start making maps for events and places. Grew even further from that into what would become Eorzea Cartographers, and the eventual Free Company once we both made it to the same world with the Cousins.

Even after all of the drama, darkness, leaving one social media for another, and meeting so many wonderful folks in the process, here we (almost) all are as EOCA. This being where we ended up, I honestly would not want it any other way.

~Uniting Eorzea, One Map at a Time~

That Old Swing

Aikirees and I sitting on a wooden swing set near a beach.

It feels like forever since I’ve seen this wooden swing, just on the outskirts of a small fishing town in Thavnair. Aikirees and I sat on it one evening summers ago shortly thereafter saving the Star and, well, existence itself from being unraveled. The calming sound of the waves lapping against the sands with the breeze gently flowing makes the swing a real ideal spot to collect one’s thoughts.

We shared the spot here back then, and just watched the sun plummet into the sea. It was nice. It was what we needed after everything. Can’t recall exactly what we were up to back then, but I’m certain it had something to do with training – most likely honing our skills as Paladins at the time.

That was then, and this is now. Recently returned from Tural once again honing our skills as we continue to grow for the new adventures on the horizon. Arriving first, I took a spot on that old swing. Unsure where Aikirees was, as I hadn’t heard her shadow wolf anywhere close, I just lost myself being reminded of why this old swing was such a wonderful little spot.

Moments later, I hear the thud and familiar sound of heavy paws approaching. It was Aikirees and her shadow wolf getting close, and as she did, she dismissed her wolf that I am convinced still wants to devour me and plops down with the lack of delicateness that Aikirees has become known for since her journey. Not that she was ever the most delicate with things, but it’s certainly more noticeable now. Not that I’m complaining, as it’s part of her charm and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

She sat there for a moment, letting out a growl of a purr having all of the similar senses and reminders come back to her of this old swing. I rested my head against her shoulder, not something I’m still used to being able to do now, to greet her before letting up.

“Training going well?” I asked her, not really exactly sure what to conjure up since we’re together so much.

She smiled and humored me. “Zee yup yup! Helping’sies zee Hippos’sies Riderrrrs is alway’sies zee fun too!”
“They really are, yeppers.” Letting out a chuckle with my reply and a soft smile.

“It’s certainly been a while since we’ve been here, missed this old swing. Glad it made it through everything too.” Aikirees smiled with a small nod, as I just continued.
“Glad to be here again with you, Little One. We’ll have to make sure to come by here from time to time no matter where the road decides to take us next.”
She excitedly replied with her usual ‘Yesh’sies!’ and we just went back to gazing out to the wide open clear blue sea.

“Wonder where the winds will take us next…?” I ponder out loud while enjoying the gentle sea breeze dance across the tufts of my ears. Aikirees furrows her fuzzy brows a moment to the inquiry.
“Well, no matter, when or where it happens, we’ll take it on like we always to.”

She smiles and gently nods again. “Still’sies on your zee mind’sies to, isn’t it sissy’sies.”
Her inquiry comes again from how she looks now.
“Well, it is yes, but I’m not going to bug you about it; you’re still you and always my Little One.”

I returned to resting my head against her shoulder again, and could hear her begin to purr soon after I did.
“We’sies got this, zee Sissy’sies. Whereverrrr we go’sies, we’ll kick’sies zee tail’sies as long as we got’sies all of zee us!”
I nodded while continuing to rest on her shoulder, trying to keep my ears from brushing against her face.

“Yeppers, we do. No matter what. When that journey is all said and done, we’ll come back here once again to this old swing.”