Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure LVI?

Lizicus and Laureine in dancer dresses with boots, shorts, chain mail coifs with their weapons drawn.

Episode LVI..? – H-hold on a mome–… hmm… T-this week’s regularly scheduled Fashion Report Adventure is interrupted by the cousins it would seem. W-when one is a damsel, but not in distress, and comes prepared for anything that is thrown at them – in Lizicus’ case that might as well mean literally with her trident at the ready.

Her Past

Aikirees and I overlooking Lower Jeuno.

There we were… just standing there, in Lower Jeuno. It was rather jarring for me, but I suspect for Aikirees, it was a far different feeling. A feeling that I could only ever imagine, and one do I not suspect many if anyone around her could. The stories she told ‘Tess’ and I growing up, all those years ago, we thought they were just that.

Aikirees told many stories about Vana’diel when we were all very young, still living in southern Othard. She told the tales of how she grew up in a placed called The Republic of Bastok, before traveling to a Gustaberg, highlands named Konschtat, sandy dunes of Vulkurm. Adventuring through those places and seeing a Kingdom of Sand.. Sand’Oria I believe she called it, Federation of Windurst, and of course Grand Duchy of Jeuno.

Vana’diel to her was far more that just stories she kept telling us, with tales talking about the the aforementioned, but so many more places in such detail as well! Aikirees would insistingly keep telling ‘Tess’ and I that this was all real and she had been there. We would usually just dryly humor her in agreement in fear of getting mother’s wrath upon us for teasing Aikirees. I think she knew we were doing so, but looking back, I wish I had listened and believed her more…

Somehow, in some way however, mother seemed to always know she was right. ‘Tess’ and I never really did understand what mother meant, but it seemed to resonate with Aikirees, and it made her happy. Even after we fled our village to start anew in Kugane years later, she still would tell the tales from Vana’diel, even if she told the same one multiple times – she certainly had her favorites!

Even with us being older, and I still just thought they were fiction, she found comfort in telling them and I began to take a similar sensation in hearing what she told to the point where I’d engage back asking about specifics. She always knew what to say as well!

Once she grew into her Summoner role in Eorzea, she picked the outfit she wears to this day claiming it was the one she wore in Vana’diel. While initially I thought it was a rather… unique combination, I can understand why she adores it so much – even more so now witnessing what I have.

I looked over at her, grabbed her paw and gave it a gently squeeze. She didn’t really react, just kept looking over Lower Jeuno. Knowing she knew everything about this place and how much it meant to her made me want to hug her so badly, but I resisted the temptation.

“I’m sorry… So sorry for how we treated you all those years ago. This was your home at one point, in another life, wasn’t it? We’ll set this right, we’ll fix this just like we always do – together.” A faint smile appeared on Aikirees’s face, nearly invisible to see unless one was around her as long as I have been. Still not reacting, aside from a gently squeeze back to my hand in return.

~For Vana’diel, ‘Little’ One~

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure LV

Aikirees and I in lounge-like clothes and Succubus horns relaxing on a covered couch.

Episode LV! – When one wants to relax, be lazy, and lounge around in comfy clothes, but also have to be an void entity from the Thirteenth stuck in a mansion. I’m fairly certain a couple of denizens from there would look at us in bewilderment.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure LIII

Aikirees and I in suit coats and frilly pants surrounded by specters in formal wear in a ballroom.

Episode LIII! – Upon arriving for the Ball, we we’re pretty certain that we have overlooked something rather important. However, we just couldn’t quite place our foot on to what that specific oversight could have been…

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure LII

Aikirees and I in yukatas sitting on the edge of a spa.

Episode LII! – When the Report calls for said attire, then it’s time to take advantage of it and get some relaxing time at the spa. Specifically the one we happened to have constructed on our little island getaway not too long ago.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure LI

Aikirees and I sitting in HQ's lounge with me reading a book and Aiki drinking some tea.

Episode LI! – With the weather beginning to show signs of autumn, it would be a good time to bring out the warmer clothes, a nice hot drink or a book, and have a cozy night in near the fire with loved ones.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLIX

Aikirees and I wearing similar outfits with Aikirees in a pair of bunny ears while dab posing.

Episode XLIX! – Can take the Miqo’te out of her and into a Hrothgar, but certainly can’t take her spirit out of enjoying even the silliest of fashionable accessory moments! Once again, much to my chagrin, Aikirees takes another very enjoyable moment in the spotlight for this week’s Fashion Report.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLVIII

Me aimlessly lost in thought with Aikirees attempting to stalk and hide in a shrub behind me.

~The last Fashion Report we ever did prior to Aikirees’ journey~ Episode XLVIII! – Y’all, I think I go that feeling again. You know, that feeling one gets where they feel eyes are upon them and at any moment if one turns one way or another, they’ll be nothing there.

I can’t quite put my finger as to why that feeling has returned, but I sense it all the way through the tufts of my ears. …It’s probably nothing, truly; w-why is everyone trying to tell me to turn around real quickly…??

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLVI

Aikirees and I running through a technologically advanced corridor in bodysuit armor.

~This was prior to Aikirees’ journey~ Episode XLVI! – “How does Miss Laureine comfortably wear this so much?” I ask myself as Aikirees and I rush down the corridor with signals going off around us of an impending attack. While not exactly certain as to the details, Laureine has assured us we’ll know up ahead – for better or for worse.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLV

Aikirees and I pondering our outfits for the Fashion Report.

~This was prior to Aikirees’ journey~ Episode XLV! – Some weeks, like this one, we just, well, really do not know what to make of our outcomes. This is even more compounded when we both return from our chambers to see the other has taken a far different approach to the report.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLII

Aikirees and I bartering with a local in Reunion.

~This was prior to Aikirees’ journey~ Episode XLII! – We decided to head out to Reunion and mingle with the friendly folks there, and possibly strike up a bargain for some goods in the process. Twas a lovely day outing for just the two us, before returning to Kugane that evening.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XLI

Aikirees and I in semi-revealing plate armor.

~This was prior to Aikirees’ journey~ Episode XLI! – As much as I enjoy the corsage, I’m not quite certain it works all that well with the outfit, or rather lack thereof in certain areas. Seems Aikirees is, once again, taking it with quite the stride.

Sisters’ Fashion Report Adventure XXXVIII

Aikirees and I garbed in tailcoats with similarly shaped ears.

Episode XXXVIII! – Sometimes research and development comes with a cost. In this case, it came with a temporary loss of my ears and the added bonus of Aikirees’ amusement. Be careful what one drinks, it could have rather… unique results.