
Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

Just kind of a quick one to say ‘still here, but very busy’ sort of update. I have a few things/thoughts in a holding pattern until I can get them written out and posted here. The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind with very little desk time. The trainscape hit the first milestone last weekend, so that’ll free up that time to work on catching up here as well as moving onto other smaller projects that I’ve been holding off on.

Happy Thursday y’all! Y’all got this, and kick tails!

The Nintendo Switch 2

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

There’s a couple of others things I’d like to post about from the happenings this week, but they’ll take a smidgen to get my thoughts on beforehand, and this week has been a rather rough one. However, just right-quick thoughts on the Switch 2 I can do.

The official announcement of the Switch 2 after an absurd amount of rumors over the years is both a relieve and also just exhausting. However, the console itself looks like a nice uptick from its current predecessor and the fact it can play everything the Switch can is a colossal boon. I am excited for it, and I’ll more than likely jump to the Switch 2 near its launch assuming that I’m not knee deep in a project or a cost that would deter such a plan.

The official launch video that Nintendo put out is both really nicely put together, but to me a bit somber. I have a launch Switch, and the only difference is that I changed the reddish/cyan Joycons out for neon green/pink many a years ago. When I was early in my traveler year, my mom – Mama Kosmikros (or Mama K) asked what I wanted for Christmas the year it came out. I was with my trainer at the time and he was coming home for the holidays, and since we lived so close it worked out for me too. So, when Mama K asked me this, I responded with just simply ‘a Nintendo Switch.’

We return home for the holidays: my trainer spends it with his family, and me with mine. I swap the early tales of my journey thus so far with the family, and spent a lot of time with them since I know I’ll not see them all again for quite some time thereafter. Christmas Day rolls around and there was just the one box for me, and it was the Switch. I was so excited to take that back out with me, and I had two games from the get-go (neither of this writing have I still completed): The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. I played Breath of the Wild a lot before heading back out and a lot while with the trainer.

Once I was out on my own traveling the country, the Switch became an integral part of my daily life. I’ve played so many games on it, and continue to do so to this day – and was a lifesaver during the latest Hurricane, Milton, when power was very limited. To see the Switch 2 coming this year and saying goodbye to such a wonderful console that has been like a good friend all these years makes me a bit sad.

When the time comes, I won’t fully say farewell to my Switch; it’ll still play a part in my life in some way shape or form, and I’ll be sure to take good care of it for many more years hereafter as well.

Soul Trains

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Kind of ‘off-the-cuff’ this morning, as I didn’t really plan anything for this week. RL & projects have kind of pulled me away from the usual PC work & play that I’m accustomed to. Not that it’s a ‘bad’ thing in any way, in fact I welcome it as it’s been really fun to step away from all the screens for once and do some more handsy-onsy things.

Of course there’s still the usual Final Fantasy XIV routine, but with a lot of the legwork done from previous expansions and mostly everyone caught up to par, there’s a bit more rest-time that can be allocated to other things. One being the never ending train project. Over the weekend I soldered all of the joiners to make it one whole circuit, well most as I still need to be able to relocate it for the new track bed to be placed first. Once the new track bed is down, then the remaining joiners will be soldered and then finally re-mounted once again.

I’ve tested the wheels on the soldered track and it runs so gosh darn smoothly, so I am very much looking forward to seeing this all done and running again just on that factor alone. It’s still a long ways off for it being completed, but seeing the trains running again will be a nice milestone.

Also watched Pixar’s Soul over the weekend for the usual Saturday Dinner/Movie routine. It was pretty good, but not what I expected in a mostly good way.

I think that’s really it for now; doing well aside, still not really interacting with Social Medias. There might be some ‘new challengers’ appearing here and there here aside from Aiki, the Cousins, my dear cats, and I but that will wary on everything else happening.

Happy Monday, y’all! Kick some tails! Remember that y’all always have and will got this.

New Year – New Project(s) Planning

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Now with the holidays passed us, it’s time to take on the first full week of the year! Past weekend was more the usual, but still tinkering with the train scape as that has moved to a full blown project now. It’s had some ups and a lot of downs, but with each down is another thing learned about it all. Ms. Frizzle always did say ‘make mistakes!’ and they have certainly taught me a bit about what the hoobers I am trying to accomplish with this!

The train’s first phase of the project should conclude in a week or so, mail deliveries withholding, and then it’ll be off to plan the remaining phases between everything else going on this year. It’s not as bonkers as the last couple of years with me trying to slow down on working on projects (sans the aforementioned and one other), which will be a nice change of pace.

More of the normal things with regards to Final Fantasy XIV, and still moving along slowly with both Horizon Zero Dawn and Sea of Stars; not much else right now beyond those three things. It will be nice to get back into the usual routine of things and hopefully slow down enough to relax like it used to be a while back.

Happy Monday y’all! Let’s kick some tail!

Happy New Year 2025!

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

Here we are, 2025! The year of 2024 has passed, and we’re now heading forwards into the new one.

Personally, it was a pretty good year – multiple unique weather scenarios aside (*glares meanly at Milton*). It’s still been an insane perpetuation of busy that doesn’t seem to want to end, but we made it through. I know folks have had a year of varying journeys, but tails were still kicked and have gotten through it as well.

Lizicus watching the sun set while on a beach, on her wolf mount.

I truly hope that everyone has a very amazing year ahead filled with all the best moments with the most wonderful journeys throughout. I realize it’s not always the smoothest paths while out there adventuring, but even the trials we have to climb over make us ever the more stronger afterwards. Every single one of y’all is strong, and will kick so much tail. Y’all got this, we got this, and we’ll show the year what we’re made of!

To a wonderful 2025, and beyond! Let it be ‘zee awesome’sies!’

Merry Christmas & Happy Starlight!

Aikirees and I in front of a Starlight Tree wearing Starlight-Themed Dresses.

Merry Christmas & Happy Starlight Celebration y’all! Here’s to best wishes on a wonderfully Happy Holidays, and conclusion to 2024! From all of us to y’all, we really and truly hope it’s been a wonderful one!

Let the countdown to 2025 begin, as we keep kicking tails into the new year!

The Final Full Week

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Hard to believe this is the full final week of the year! Past weekend was brisk, but went well. The model trains scape is finally back up and running with a few minor adjustments to be made, but for now it runs well thankfully.

Finished Doctor Who’s latest season, and caught up with Star Trek: Lower Decks as well, along with clearing out a few lingering RL items that were in dire need of being addressed. So now it’s just cruising to the holidays and seeing family with a nice dose of rest.

Not much else; Sea of Stars is moving along, as is the usual Final Fantasy XIV tasks for now. Patch 7.15 comes out tomorrow, which I feel is a smidgen early, but that’s alright. Looking forward to it, but will probably be over the weekend instead of during the week itself as this is to be expected to be a very arduous week ahead. This will impact posts unfortunately.

HQ itself is festive for the Starlight Celebration that started today, and always love to see the decorations for that up around the city-states as well. Apparently even Jeuno has some festiveness happening, and I suspect I know what that all entails – Aikirees and I will pay a visit there during the event and see for ourselves too.

That’s it for this one, y’all have a wonderful Monday and week ahead! Kick tails, and y’all got this!

Abrupt Interruption

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

I had some ideal concept planned for today, and I don’t think it’ll be ready for tomorrow either. I might squish in a Fashion Report adventure from last week for tomorrow, but due to primarily some RL mechanical interruptions (there’s the usual RL things too in there), will have to postpone a smidgen.

I still got a handful of longer story-styled posts to get up here eventually, but need a good amount of ‘quiet time’ to do so, and it’s just not really happened yet, but it will soon enough.

Y’all have a wonderful Thursday! Y’all got this!

Determination & Year of 10’s.

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

This weekend was pretty good. Got a bit of tasks done that I’ve been wanting to address; still a lot remain, but good to see movement. The model train project I decided to move into a smaller-long term project and work on that on and off a lot more than I have the past few years, even with having both engines dead in the water.

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of by beloved cat, Vladimir, having crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I had my sad moments, but I know Vlad would not want that, so I just pushed through with things that needed to be addressed. Lit the rosemary candle for him that I got from the vet where he was cremated for the last time – I wanted it to last the first 10 years, and it successfully did as it burned out last night.

There’s a lot of ’10th’s’ coming up, and I feel they’re going to affect me more so than usual – a lot happened back then and a lot has happened since. Lots of retrospectives I suppose.

Sea of Stars is progressing well, but I suspect I’m still fairly early into the game; very much love it though. Finally got around to taking on a bit of the crafting back log around HQ over the weekend as well; still a smidgen of a stockpile, but seeing a dent in it helps tremendously.

One week at a time, and we got this. Y’all have a wonderful Monday!

Rest and Sideways Progress

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Hope everyone had a very wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday this past week/weekend. I got much needed rest and made some headway on tasks that I was starting to get concerned about. There’s still things to be done, but the focus is starting to funnel a specific direction instead of being colandered different ways.

Might have mentioned this last week, but started Sea of Stars last week as well, and fell in love with it nearly immediately. After spending a few hours with it, I really want to see where this goes. The battles are not quick, but intuitive and being turn-based gives me time to process them instead of panicking to react quickly. It’s a nice change of pace and pretty fair with it so far. Shelved Portrait of Ruin right now, as I need some time to think about tasks in it now.

Started the newest season of Doctor Who, and… so far don’t really like it honestly. There’s fun parts for certain, but the overall tone of it just isn’t working for me. That’s just me though and it is fun mostly, so someone else’s mileage will vary. I don’t know if I’ll continue this season or not though as I’m starting to feel that my time could be better utilized elsewhere – being as busy as I’ve been and all.

Weekly Final Fantasy XIV is still looking pretty much the same with with Jeuno: The First Walk being newly added as a weekly task for goodies. That will last about 13 weeks and then stop until 7.2 where it all changes again then. Just have two classes left to level and all of the ones we play will be taken care of again!

The 7.1 Main Scenario post will be up in the next day or so, but the Vana’Diel one will take more time as that’s just so much to talk about. There’s probably going to be a snapshot or so adjacently related to that being put up this week too, but it’s not really a spoiler in relation to it (nor will I post anything about the raid itself without a warning).

There’s still a lot of other little things to work on when time too, crafting keeps coming to mind near immediately. Just been a slew of RL tasks/issues/projects that just won’t. stop. coming. up. Hopefully soon, and I know I keep saying that, but a breather would be nice in the near future.

Did pull out of storage an on & off hobby of mine, a small model train set I’ve been working on over the years. After some attempts to fix one and clean up another locomotive engine, I was left with just the one, and as of last night, none due to I’m not even sure what happened. I got some items on order to hopefully get it up and running, otherwise I’m down two engines and the time/expense towards it all. If it is really a bust then I’ll more than likely put this hobby on hold indefinitely as it just feels like a perpetual problem every single time I want to work on it.

Kind of a messy recap, and I won’t dwell on a lot of this. There’s a lot of crazier/darker/sadder things happening out there right now, and so much very much to be thankful for currently. Be wonderful y’all, and kick lots of tail! Happy first week of December!

We got this!

More Progress. Yearning for Rest.

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Here we are, the first holiday week. Last week ended on a near 12 hour day after perpetual 10-11 hour ones. Not a great way to end it, but not necessarily upset about it; just really and truly would like things to re-balance out again. As for the weekend itself, it was pretty decent in terms of getting things done, but nowhere near where I need to be, so hoping this longer weekend will help with that. It was potentially on the chopping block due to the office wanting to stay open on Friday, but I’m putting my paw down in that regards.

Audio Project is heading into the next major phase; the reorganizing part has gone pretty well so far. The whole library is merged once again, so now it’s just cleaning up some of the album’s naming and the artwork, then off to getting all of it on the network for playing. That’s going to be so exciting when it’s done!

Dabbled in a little bit of Portrait of Ruin still, but kind of stuck now looking for the last little goodies that I’m missing (PoR didn’t do a great job with this), so will have to reference some maps and quests notes to finish it all up and then move on to Dawn of Sorrow. Parallel to that, finally started Sea of Stars and I am already looking forward to playing a lot more of that!

Final Fantasy XIV posts are coming, but will need some breather time to work on them. Patch 7.11 is tomorrow and that’s going to fix a bunch of things including the PS4 controller issue, so looking very much forward to that. Mostly progressing through the new Jeuno Raid and typical weeklies, and that’s not going to change very much for the foreseeable future. Really do just want to have a night of chatting again, but pinning it down right now is just so difficult.

The Talk of Skies of Blue

I’ll preface this with the internet is becoming so negative, that being on here in regards to any social media is wading through a lot of backhanded, passive aggressive, angry, hateful, and generally just negative remarks. The last time I was on Mastodon, it was 2/3rd’s something related to the above and 1/3rd genuinely positive or something of that regard (artwork, photos, life update, etc.). It’s exhausting to try and keep up to even weed it all out, to feel almost like a full time job in itself. I have way, way, waaay, too much going on right now to do this.

This leads me to hearing whispers on Mastodon and elsewhere about Bluesky. As of this writing, Bluesky has been the upcoming ‘successor’ to Classic Twitter well before Elon Musk took over. The reason I love Mastodon is it/was very interactive and literally everyone I met on there we had lovely chats with (aside from one person), and because of this, I made a lot of good friends there, we created the Frendedex for making events and hanging out, and even why I have three amazing friends in EOCA now. Classic Twitter (circa 2009-2012) was more like this, and back then I made a few wonderful friends too. Sadly, just due to time & life, I lost contact with them. I just hope to this day I hope they’re still doing well.

Bluesky has what more modern Twitter’s issue has – followers & numbers. I’d rather have 10 or so followers that I interact with on the daily than 1,000+ that I never do. Back in those early years, that’s what it was and it was wonderful. Mastodon is, and still mostly is, like this – sans the aforementioned negativity. Making another social media account to just start over and ‘work’ at makes no sense to me; I have my career job that I work hard in and I enjoy dearly, with EOCA being the other (albeit more hobby-style focus) that I have worked so hard to maintain and I love how it has evolved.

Being with all of this said, I will reiterate from the friends I have made, social media does have good and can be helpful for seeing what people are up to, but right now, everyone just needs to stop being so angry about everything (I understand why to a degree, but it’s not going to solve anything yelling into the void). Maybe at that point, if it ever does happen, I’ll return.

In the meantime, I’ll keep checking in over there when I can periodically, but I will very much not likely be seeing what Bluesky has to offer because I do not care one bit about all the stuff that comes with it.

I think that’s all I have for this one. Oh, decided to see if my trains worked again. After some tinkering, they seem to be okayish, but I’ll have to research how to clean them up a bit better.

Y’all have a wonderful finale to November. Y’all got this! Keep being wonderful!

The Week Before

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

…Well as expected yesterday was nightmarish levels of busy to the point of getting settled in for the evening at home was around 22:00 comparing that being up and running yesterday morning around 07:00. This week isn’t looking much better, at least right now, so it’s probably going to be a bit scarce here unfortunately.

However, with it being this turbulent this week, next week (and thereafter until close to December holidays), it should begin to return to some sort of normalcy – hopefully.

Kick tails y’all, have a wonderful Tuesday!

Catching Up & Moving Forward

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Most of this weekend was catching up from the chaos that was last week, and this included everything we put off due to Patch 7.1’s launch. We did hear back in regards to the PS4 controllers not working via Bluetooth and it’s apparently due to not using the official PS4 USB receiver that I, and probably most folks, have forgotten was a thing. The next patch, 7.11, that’s to be fixed to allow for a bypass that if it’s not using said adapter, it will work like it used to prior to 7.1.

Personally, that’s all I wanted. Apparently there’s some fancier features the game utilizes if one uses the official adapter instead of just any old Bluetooth connection. I just want to use the controller again, not really concerned with any additional bells & whistles it could potentially do with the official adapter.

Anyway, aside from that, there’s still more RL tasks to address, but those will have to wait till this upcoming weekend or the holiday one after that. Some of it is kind of getting critical, while others are just nice to try and get it all done sooner than later – one being the audio project, which that has reached organization mode now as all of the legwork has been taken care of. Portrait of Ruin is reaching the climax as well, and decided to watch Wolverine & Deadpool too. Wolverine & Deadpool was alright, but I think even Ryan Reynolds can’t fix what Marvel Cinema/Disney has already done, so I think for now I’m staying away from any/all superhero movies.

I’m going to hopefully have at the very least the MSQ recap up this week. Echoes of Vana’diel recap may not be up this week as there’s a lot more to discuss in that regards. I will say I loved the first raid for this series and want to see more of where that goes. The MSQ… well, not so much right now, and that’s fine. I’m glad to be experiencing it, but it’s a far cry from the 6.x series or the 5.x series to me thus so far.

That’s all I got for this one. Happy Monday y’all! Let’s make the week before Thanksgiving an absolutely wonderful one! Kick lot’s of tail!

On this Day, One Year Ago…

Aikirees and I sitting on a couch waving.

I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since we started Kosmikros’ Corner. It’s really been a wonderful year sharing our adventures here, but when I first started out I honestly wasn’t sure exactly how or how much I was going to. Getting into the habit of trying to post regularly was probably the biggest hurdle, but now it just seems almost like 2nd nature, and it’s really a nice feeling.

For those of y’all who ‘tune’ in on the regular, I appreciate y’all lots. When I started this, I just did it as a way to tell tales and continue to write about things that came to mind. It never has been a major consideration as I just post what I feel like, I also never really expected any sort of audience either, so it is really lovely to know & hear from y’all who do drop by and take the time to read/see things.

Here’s to another wonderful year ahead of adventures & memories!

More Progress, Little Rest

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

The good was the weekend had incremental progress for the audio project, but the not-so was the lack of rest I sorely needed. Another issue did get addressed, or rather came to a compromise, which was good but ate well into Friday evening causing a bit of setbacks on its own. I’m glad it was figured out ultimately but was certainly a reminder to avoid such tasks during a work week twice over.

The relaxing I did manage to get involved getting ready for Patch 7.1 as much as possible, watching all of the current season of Tart Trek: Lower Decks, and getting in a little bit of Portrait of Ruin. All of this was very nice and much needed especially after last week and the weeks coming ahead.

I was hoping to get more back end tasks dealt with as well, but those hit some hard snags that I’ll have to plan according or otherwise risk losing a lot. There was a quirky little project that was in this category that did manage to get pulled off, which so far has seemed to help control things around the house a bit better (audio-project adjacent I suppose).

Hopefully I’ll have a full week of goodies for this one, especially with the aforementioned Patch 7.1 coming out tomorrow. Looking forward to it and seeing some of Aikirees’ past life in the process as well. Next weekend ideally getting in a lot more rest now that some of these tasks have been addressed too.

Happy Monday y’all! Kick some tail! Y’all got this!!

Holiday Creep & Longer Weeks

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

The first full week of November is coming to a conclusion, and it has been a pretty long one with that. The fact that it is so busy is fine, but it does take its toll on a repeated basis. Just glad and thankful I’m in a place & industry that I like surrounded by cohorts as well.

With that though, looking forward to a pretty quiet (audio project withstanding) weekend ahead. We’re pretty close to being in a good place for the launch of Patch 7.1 next Tuesday, and we’re all looking forward to seeing that. 7.0 has been a nice fun time though, so not ‘antsy’ per se, but seeing where the story is going to go now along with peering into Aikirees’ 9th Life will be a nice addenda for certain.

Small setback on the whole audio project thing last night, which crunched my night down by a lot. Made it through the remaining portion of the evening pretty well, but between that and the whole week, I’m pretty worn down now. Side-note, this is why I don’t do weekly projects unless it’s an emergency because it usually wrecks havoc on the next work day. It’ll work out though even with some additional trial and error, so no big thing to sweat about.

Happy Friday y’all! Have a wonderful day and weekend ahead!

No Words

Cataclysmic image from Final Fantasy VI with the words 'On that Day, the World was Changed Forever...'

I’m at a loss for words, once again this has happened…

We just need to keep fighting evil, continue doing all the good we can, and spread kindness & positivity as much as possible. Reach out lend an ear to friends and family, especially in LGBTQIA+. Give lots of hugs, and be the best one can be.

It’s going to get dark, but we’ll get through this and we have to make sure it cannot happen again.

We well y’all. Be ‘zee awesome’sies.’

Election Day 2024

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

Zonked out a smidgen earlier last night due to the time warp from the weekend, but did get some more audio organization done and some Horizon Zero Dawn in to round out the night.

So, today is Election Day in the USA, and for some baffling reason is a contest. This really shouldn’t be a contest as there is clearly one person who is right for the job (and no, it’s not the Orange Menace), but here we are. Hopefully enough sense will have come out to vote and this will be over in some way shape or form.

If you haven’t voted and can, please go out and do so as all of them count in some way shape or form. Sitting it out is really not something anyone can do as there is so much at stake currently and for the future. If you have voted already (or like me did it early), just relax, go on with your usual day. There’s not much else that can be done and we’re not going to know for some time anyway.

I’d advise staying off any Social Medias as there all going to be more negative than usual, if that’s even possible. I realize that’s not saying much as that seems to be the trend everywhere is to just be negative even if it’s for the sake of it. This is an article in itself I could easily write about now, but that’s (possibly) for another time.

If one wants to watch or keep up with the polls, do so in spurts, and from more neutral sources if possible as that should help things stay to what’s fully fact. Don’t forget to eat well, drink lots of water, and get a good sleep in as well. Whatever happens, we’ll get through this even if we have to kick a lot of tails in the process. Be ‘zee awesome’sies,’ be kind, and be well.

Y’all have a wonderful day ahead. Be good to yourself, and spread that goodness – even if it’s a fun tale or story that you like to read or tell.

Fall Time Warp & Stuffs

Aikirees drinking a tea sitting next to me, while reading a book glancing at her with the caption 'Monday Morning Weekend Recap' off to the left.

Another Time Warp down, and only two months left of the year. Doesn’t really feel like it’s been a year as it certainly went swiftly by. That ole recollection talk is for the end of the year though. The past weekend was very lovely – saw family on Saturday night, albeit a shorter evening due to two of our work schedules just being tirelessly busy. It’s that time of year though with the holidays fast approaching everyone is starting to get ready for it all. I don’t mind as I do like the busyness and all.

Picked up Clock Tower Rewind for Switch the other day, and have kind of been plucking away at it slowly. I enjoy it a lot but I’m pretty bad at it! The controls are very much of their time, but they have that charm with it and it’s really not all that rough to get used to on the fly. It’s good classic creepy fun and as I go and unfold more of the story, the more I really want to not only see it to the end, but also get the best ending!

Still plugging along with Portrait of Ruin and still overleveled for the time being, which I honestly don’t remember being an issue when I first played this, but then again, back then Ecclesia wasn’t out yet so that might have something to do with it. Along with that, right now just keeping status quo with the weekly tasks in Final Fantasy XIV until patch 7.1. Music project is coming along nicely, with the support of an older PC that I resurrected, it’s moving quicker now so hopefully by the end of November, that will be all wrapped up.

I’m not sure how much I’ll have ready to post this week, with things getting more busy, but hopefully I’ll have things up daily as usual. Fashion Reports are all caught up now(!) so from here on out, those will be posted in rears if there’s one we made from the week prior. This week there will not be one, so might just slot in some more adventure items or a blog stuffs post. There’s still a few long posts coming down the pipeline once I get some downtime to work on those. Possibly as early as this weekend since I’m not visiting/seeing any family until Thanksgiving now.

Coming up to the first year of starting Kosmikros’ Corner up as well; it’s been a really wonderful adventure that I hope to continue on for as long as I can. I think that’s all there is to this one, until next time, happy Monday! Y’all got this, kick some tail!

Happy Spoopy Day!

Aikirees and I leaning against a chalkboard with 'Blog Stuffs' written on it.

Didn’t really have anything special planned for today, but Happy Spoopy Day everyone! Y’all have an absolutely fun filled one today! Enjoy some scary movies/stories, lots of goodies, moosics, and all the fun spoops! Upmost importantly, stay safe through it all and take care!