One late afternoon over at HQ, I managed to catch up with Miss Laureine who was working on some side-projects. This project in particular, seemed to be some combat field research, and so I decided to give her some assistance for a spell. Once that was all done for a moment, we sat down in our gazebo to chat at see how things were going.
Hearing what her and her cousin had been up to, it took me back just how far Miss Laureine has come every since that faithful day I met here just roaming around Gridania.
“Do you remember that day those summers ago?”
Laureine just stopped for a moment looking up at be bewildered.
“W-what’s that, Missus?”
Miss Laureine has always been known to be prim, polite, and professional in everything she does to everyone she talks to, well everyone but her cousin. She tends to keep her in line as much as possible, which I have to admit I find amusing as it reminds me of the early years with Tess, Aikirees, and I.
I smile back at her and give a subtle chuckle.
“The day I met you, back in Gridania.”
“O-oh, that day! I very much do, Missus, but why do you bring it up?”
“It just came to mind talking with you and hearing all of the adventures you’ve been up to with Miss Lizicus.”
Miss Laureine smiles back.
“It was quite a day; I do recall being very overwhelmed by Gridania seeing as I had just arrived there not too long ago. I-I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do.”
I nod in return, and she continued.
“But then you came along, Missus, gave me assistance, and helped me understand Gridania far better by coming along with me around the town answering all of my inquiries with no objections!”
“You were very excited to be there, and just so exploring every area of the city you could access!”
Miss Laureine laughed.
“I really did, Missus!”
She recomposed herself and then continued.
“But then, when the day came to an end, you asked me that one question that forever changed my life. You asked me to come with you!”

I smiled and nodded back at Miss Laureine.
“I did, and you accepted. You learned about everything you could get your hands on and feel deeply in love with Allagan technology”
Miss Laureine smiled and nodded warmly in return before I continued.
“Here you are now, you’ve gone to the ends of the known existence and back, you’ve grown to protect those around you, including not just Aikirees and Aryiah, but our beloved Juli and Sirena as well. You’ve become so strong, and I am so proud of you for it.”
Miss Laureine’s voice began to waver with emotion; this might have been the first time I’ve ever seen her like this.
“You can craft like the best of them, brought Miss Lizz into the fold, and have helped me out tremendously even though I never asked you to. I’m very grateful we crossed paths on that faithful day; you such a wonderful Au Ra”
I could sense that Miss Laureine was on the brink of tears at this point. I got up, grabbed her hands, and lifted her gently to her feet, and then hugged her as tightly as I could. Miss Laureine began to weep, and I continued to comfort her.

I just kept embracing her.
“Thank you, Miss Laureine. Thank you for everything.”
After a little bit, Miss Laureine hugged me back gently, thanked me, and then we parted ways back to our adventures again. Seeing her back then to now feels almost like it was yesterday that faithful day happened. She’s grown so strong and so powerful with everything she’s learned over these summers. I look forward to where her adventures with her cousin take her, especially as we inch ever closer to our journey to Tural.