Our Journey…

We all got together last night for some more Heavensward bird hunting that went incredibly well, and then ended the night taking a relaxing moment to end the weekend. Ultimately atop the entrance archway to EOCA HQ.

It’s been an incredibly long journey to this point. Aikirees and I both started on completely different worlds at different times. Met some incredibly wonderful folks that became friends and helped kick start making maps for events and places. Grew even further from that into what would become Eorzea Cartographers, and the eventual Free Company once we both made it to the same world with the Cousins.

Even after all of the drama, darkness, leaving one social media for another, and meeting so many wonderful folks in the process, here we (almost) all are as EOCA. This being where we ended up, I honestly would not want it any other way.

~Uniting Eorzea, One Map at a Time~

4 thoughts on “Our Journey…”

  1. The Lizzers were there too, they were the ones taking the picture. Lizz tried to do it on her own but Laureine’s technical expertise was needed.

    Kidding aside it was a lovely evening and a big morale boost.

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