The Nintendo Switch 2

There’s a couple of others things I’d like to post about from the happenings this week, but they’ll take a smidgen to get my thoughts on beforehand, and this week has been a rather rough one. However, just right-quick thoughts on the Switch 2 I can do.

The official announcement of the Switch 2 after an absurd amount of rumors over the years is both a relieve and also just exhausting. However, the console itself looks like a nice uptick from its current predecessor and the fact it can play everything the Switch can is a colossal boon. I am excited for it, and I’ll more than likely jump to the Switch 2 near its launch assuming that I’m not knee deep in a project or a cost that would deter such a plan.

The official launch video that Nintendo put out is both really nicely put together, but to me a bit somber. I have a launch Switch, and the only difference is that I changed the reddish/cyan Joycons out for neon green/pink many a years ago. When I was early in my traveler year, my mom – Mama Kosmikros (or Mama K) asked what I wanted for Christmas the year it came out. I was with my trainer at the time and he was coming home for the holidays, and since we lived so close it worked out for me too. So, when Mama K asked me this, I responded with just simply ‘a Nintendo Switch.’

We return home for the holidays: my trainer spends it with his family, and me with mine. I swap the early tales of my journey thus so far with the family, and spent a lot of time with them since I know I’ll not see them all again for quite some time thereafter. Christmas Day rolls around and there was just the one box for me, and it was the Switch. I was so excited to take that back out with me, and I had two games from the get-go (neither of this writing have I still completed): The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. I played Breath of the Wild a lot before heading back out and a lot while with the trainer.

Once I was out on my own traveling the country, the Switch became an integral part of my daily life. I’ve played so many games on it, and continue to do so to this day – and was a lifesaver during the latest Hurricane, Milton, when power was very limited. To see the Switch 2 coming this year and saying goodbye to such a wonderful console that has been like a good friend all these years makes me a bit sad.

When the time comes, I won’t fully say farewell to my Switch; it’ll still play a part in my life in some way shape or form, and I’ll be sure to take good care of it for many more years hereafter as well.

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