The Falcon

A little bit ago, a lot of us we’re able to finish up constructing our second airship! Sirena suggested the name of the Falcon from Final Fantasy IV, and it’s since then had several successful journeys into the Sea of Clouds. However, it never had a proper color scheme to represent it; that is until now. Once it returned to HQ the other night, we managed to get it all painted up in a similar fashion to that of the one seen in Final Fantasy IV – propellers aside being substituted for the zeppelin instead.

Aikirees being in pure awe I think made the highlight for the evening once it got all spruced up with the new colors. It was once again sent out on another voyage. Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Voyager has been steadily exploring far far into the Sea of Clouds having found some interesting sites along the way. That one is nearing almost max rank and we normally don’t see it for a couple of days now!

Safe travels, little Falcon! May the winds and your adventures out into the wild blue yonder be just as safe as they are full of new wonders!

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