We decided to get together in the Lavender Beds, an old spot we used to relax and just enjoy the tranquil scenery from time to time before we had HQ. It was a cool misty morning, and all that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves with the waterfall off in the distance as the only sounds.
We sat there on that rock for what felt like an eternity in time. I knew what was coming, and I just wanted time to stop if only for a moment.
“You know, you don’t have to do this, Little One.”
Finally speaking up, breaking the tranquility, but really not looking away from the waterfall. I didn’t get a response, just a pause and the light brushing of Aikirees’ shoulder onto mine. Her tail swished and curled up to my back.
She was trying to comfort me.
I let out a sigh; not of despair, but of acceptance of what was to come. I looked over at her, and tried my best to give a happy and supportive smile. Aikirees just beamed the brightest of smile, such that it could pierce even the thickest of misty mornings, right back at me.
“I’sies zee know’sies.” She replied, before laying her head into my shoulder comfortably.
“But’sies yew zee know’sies we has hadeded dish zee talk’sies already. I’sies want’sies tew dew dish tew get zee stronger’sies and have mi’s own adventurrrre’sies fur zee once’sies.”
I put my arm around her, and give her a gentle hug.
“I know, and I know I’ve brought this up numerous times. Sirena and Juli seem very supportive as well, so I just need to as well. I am you big sister still, so I’m always going to worry regardless.”
I let her go, and she springs back up smiling all the same still.

We spend a few bells there, mostly reminiscing about the last two summers or so of all the things we’ve done. The good, and the not so; from heading to Sharlyean for the first time, and when we returned after such a long journey. We really have done a lot in what feels like such a short time.
Once the afternoon sun was upon us, she hopped up and went to change real quick, but before long she was back in more traveling attire with a large knapsack on her back.
“I’sies should’sies get zee gewing’sies, zee Big Sissy’sies.”
I nodded back at her.
“Alright, I suppose I should head back to HQ and make sure I have everything packed for the journey as well…”
Aikirees smiles warmly.
“Promise me, you’ll make it to Tural safely. Still planning on meeting near the port once we arrive?”
She nods at my inquiry, and leans in to give a hug while I just sit there on the rock still.
“Zee yup yup! I’ll’sies be zee der’sies!! Yew’sies zee see’sies! I’ll’sies be strrrrronger’sies and zee talk’sies zee bettah’sies!”
Without pause, I just simply laugh.
“Alright! Deal! Safe travels, Little One; I’ll see you there.”

With that, we exchange our farewells, and I watch her walk off to parts unknown. The last time I watched her doe this was in Kugane many, many summers ago. I had a similar fear back then, but we did finally reunite and I was very hearkened to see how well she had been fairing.
After what felt like days, I finally got up from the rock, and head back to HQ to proceed with making sure HQ’s orders were all in affair before departing myself.

HQ felt so quiet and empty. The cats were all packed and ready to go themselves and were off getting their final rests in before heading out. Lizicus and Laureine had already embarked themselves, much to Lizicus’ chagrin. I make my way to the office, gather some notes from my messy desk and begin to head out.
Glancing at our bunk beds, with all of Aikirees’ carbuncles still lying around at the foot of the bed, a somber feeling washes over me. I shake my head, gather the rest of what I want to take to Tural, and begin to head there myself. Having Aryiah look over HQ with all of us away shouldn’t have me worried at all. She’s done it all before and she’ll keep everything in check, I just know it.
I just truly fear that this will be the last time I see Aikirees the way she is and has always been…