Here we are, the first holiday week. Last week ended on a near 12 hour day after perpetual 10-11 hour ones. Not a great way to end it, but not necessarily upset about it; just really and truly would like things to re-balance out again. As for the weekend itself, it was pretty decent in terms of getting things done, but nowhere near where I need to be, so hoping this longer weekend will help with that. It was potentially on the chopping block due to the office wanting to stay open on Friday, but I’m putting my paw down in that regards.
Audio Project is heading into the next major phase; the reorganizing part has gone pretty well so far. The whole library is merged once again, so now it’s just cleaning up some of the album’s naming and the artwork, then off to getting all of it on the network for playing. That’s going to be so exciting when it’s done!
Dabbled in a little bit of Portrait of Ruin still, but kind of stuck now looking for the last little goodies that I’m missing (PoR didn’t do a great job with this), so will have to reference some maps and quests notes to finish it all up and then move on to Dawn of Sorrow. Parallel to that, finally started Sea of Stars and I am already looking forward to playing a lot more of that!
Final Fantasy XIV posts are coming, but will need some breather time to work on them. Patch 7.11 is tomorrow and that’s going to fix a bunch of things including the PS4 controller issue, so looking very much forward to that. Mostly progressing through the new Jeuno Raid and typical weeklies, and that’s not going to change very much for the foreseeable future. Really do just want to have a night of chatting again, but pinning it down right now is just so difficult.

The Talk of Skies of Blue
I’ll preface this with the internet is becoming so negative, that being on here in regards to any social media is wading through a lot of backhanded, passive aggressive, angry, hateful, and generally just negative remarks. The last time I was on Mastodon, it was 2/3rd’s something related to the above and 1/3rd genuinely positive or something of that regard (artwork, photos, life update, etc.). It’s exhausting to try and keep up to even weed it all out, to feel almost like a full time job in itself. I have way, way, waaay, too much going on right now to do this.
This leads me to hearing whispers on Mastodon and elsewhere about Bluesky. As of this writing, Bluesky has been the upcoming ‘successor’ to Classic Twitter well before Elon Musk took over. The reason I love Mastodon is it/was very interactive and literally everyone I met on there we had lovely chats with (aside from one person), and because of this, I made a lot of good friends there, we created the Frendedex for making events and hanging out, and even why I have three amazing friends in EOCA now. Classic Twitter (circa 2009-2012) was more like this, and back then I made a few wonderful friends too. Sadly, just due to time & life, I lost contact with them. I just hope to this day I hope they’re still doing well.
Bluesky has what more modern Twitter’s issue has – followers & numbers. I’d rather have 10 or so followers that I interact with on the daily than 1,000+ that I never do. Back in those early years, that’s what it was and it was wonderful. Mastodon is, and still mostly is, like this – sans the aforementioned negativity. Making another social media account to just start over and ‘work’ at makes no sense to me; I have my career job that I work hard in and I enjoy dearly, with EOCA being the other (albeit more hobby-style focus) that I have worked so hard to maintain and I love how it has evolved.
Being with all of this said, I will reiterate from the friends I have made, social media does have good and can be helpful for seeing what people are up to, but right now, everyone just needs to stop being so angry about everything (I understand why to a degree, but it’s not going to solve anything yelling into the void). Maybe at that point, if it ever does happen, I’ll return.
In the meantime, I’ll keep checking in over there when I can periodically, but I will very much not likely be seeing what Bluesky has to offer because I do not care one bit about all the stuff that comes with it.
I think that’s all I have for this one. Oh, decided to see if my trains worked again. After some tinkering, they seem to be okayish, but I’ll have to research how to clean them up a bit better.
Y’all have a wonderful finale to November. Y’all got this! Keep being wonderful!