Zonked out a smidgen earlier last night due to the time warp from the weekend, but did get some more audio organization done and some Horizon Zero Dawn in to round out the night.
So, today is Election Day in the USA, and for some baffling reason is a contest. This really shouldn’t be a contest as there is clearly one person who is right for the job (and no, it’s not the Orange Menace), but here we are. Hopefully enough sense will have come out to vote and this will be over in some way shape or form.
If you haven’t voted and can, please go out and do so as all of them count in some way shape or form. Sitting it out is really not something anyone can do as there is so much at stake currently and for the future. If you have voted already (or like me did it early), just relax, go on with your usual day. There’s not much else that can be done and we’re not going to know for some time anyway.
I’d advise staying off any Social Medias as there all going to be more negative than usual, if that’s even possible. I realize that’s not saying much as that seems to be the trend everywhere is to just be negative even if it’s for the sake of it. This is an article in itself I could easily write about now, but that’s (possibly) for another time.
If one wants to watch or keep up with the polls, do so in spurts, and from more neutral sources if possible as that should help things stay to what’s fully fact. Don’t forget to eat well, drink lots of water, and get a good sleep in as well. Whatever happens, we’ll get through this even if we have to kick a lot of tails in the process. Be ‘zee awesome’sies,’ be kind, and be well.
Y’all have a wonderful day ahead. Be good to yourself, and spread that goodness – even if it’s a fun tale or story that you like to read or tell.