After catching up with Aikirees, we headed out to Destiny’s [Blitz] house in Shirogane for their 11th annual Halloween Party. The last time we made it to one was I believe four years ago. Their house hadn’t moved in that span of time, but it was certainly decked out for the season!

We got there about an hour or so into it, and the costume contest had just begun. There were all lovely and clever entries with one person dressed as a tonberry (much to Aikirees’ chagrin) taking the gold at the end of it. Our friend, Kaminila, took 3rd place in the contest! During all of this, one of the contestants complimented my outfit as well. The FC leader, who is a good friend of both Kaminila and I, was unfortunately absent, but it’s pretty easy for us to get here; so we’ll just have to pay a visit sometime thereafter to catch up with him then.
The evening was incredibly delightful! There was music, the costume contest, some games, and a bunch of goodies given away throughout the evening. I don’t believe anyone left without anything, but even still there was no way of not leaving without a smile on one’s face. I did get a special minion that reminds Aikirees of a certain Virtue from her past life that I can torment her with now! We stayed for a good long while, but once Kaminila headed out to sleep, we decided it was a good time to do so too.

We really want to go again next year, and at least try to catch up with our friends again soon, even though I know with all of our schedules that might take some time. Even still, this was a night we certainly won’t forget.