Whirlwind Week

I thought I had everything planned out for this week, but apparently not which is fine. The week and few days post Milton have been higher-chaos-than-usual feeling, and it might have climaxed yesterday bleeding into today. Built a little something for the office’s networking social gathering happening this evening that depicts mostly what we’re capable of creating. It’s a custom-built/printed version of Connect Four based off an older prototype that I took a few months to make prior, so hopefully it will be informative as well as being a fun item. Most of us don’t need to be here for the event, so we’ll head out once it begins.

Completed Order of Ecclesia a couple of days ago at 100%, so have now moved on to Portrait of Ruin for the next game in the Dominus Collection. Coming from Ecclesia to Portrait is kind of a noticeable contrast in terms of how it’s presented that I have very much forgotten, but still the same familiarity that’s been around since Symphony of the Night. I like this one a lot, but not as much as Ecclesia, so it’s been a fun nostalgia trip for certain!

Guess it’s time to get back at it, until next time y’all!