While having some final moments of an evening with Aikirees at the HQ’s Gazebo that is very much not a notorious monster, the tiredness of everything finally caught up to me. I nodded off and rested my weary head onto Aikirees’ shoulder, which is something I thought I’d never do.
Her fuzzy, warm shoulder was such a comfort, and from the subtle sounds she was emitting upon sleeping, could tell she didn’t mind me resting there. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in such a long time.

Summers prior, in the early days of HQ when we were crafting like no tomorrow, Aikirees would fall asleep on my shoulder just so. It must’ve reminded her of those days and the comfort it gave her. I’m not sure I’ll ever personally get used to her being so tall now, but she’ll always be that little Miqo’te that I’ve care for before her journey and always now thereafter as well.