After the rather brisk time with the U.S.S. Astera III, it was time for another promotion and a brand new starship. Out of all the choices for the successor to Astera III, the Galaxy Class was definitely going to be the choice here.

The U.S.S. Astera IV is almost identical to a standard Galaxy Class. The color patterns on the hulls along with the bulges at the rear of the warp nacelles being the only major changes, and even at that, they’re pretty minor. Nearly all of the missions involving The Cardassian Struggle and the Borg Advance are where the Astera IV’s missions resided before the successor came along. The Cardassian Struggle was pretty unmemorable, but the Borg Advance was fun even if the difficulty really began to show itself.

After a quick shakedown around Earth Space Dock, it was time to head out to the next set of missions. Initially having us head out to Deep Space Nine to start these next series of missions, which eventually led us back into the Badlands to find out what this sub-group of Cardassians, named the True Way – a terrorist group within the Cardassians, were up to.
This whole ordeal had something to do with an Orb that the Obsidian Order failed to return after the war, and after hearing about raiders, there is suspect that has something to do with said missing orb.

So we go into the Badlands, poke around for said orb, find some ‘friends’ waiting for us, blow some ships up, and discover where said orb is being held. So we head to said location, an outpost near a moon, and beam over to said outpost to take it back. The outpost section I can’t really recall being all that eventful, it was really just an over-the-top ‘retrieve’ quest and then back out into the Badlands’ space. I’m not necessarily complaining about this mission being so straightforward, as there are a bunch of ones before and after that are bonkers long and pretty challenging.

Anyway, back in Badlands’ space, some True Way ships are hot on our nacelles, so we have to deal with them pretty quick but soon discover that this somehow has the Mirror Universe involved too! We end up scanning the Mirror Universe tear anomaly, which has a couple of Mirror Ships come through that we’re swiftly dealt with and thus the mission concludes.
This was a fairly quick mission session, and I think I either ended up heading back to Earth or staging the next area before heading out. I know I did mess around with some of the emotes and such as I hadn’t done so a whole lot since starting out playing Star Trek Online, so I did that and kind of just relaxed for a spell.

The next mission ends up being a bit more involved, but pretty fun nonetheless with some rather interestingly chosen cut scenes to go all along with it.
Until next time, and the next Episode of Star Bunny IV~!