This is it! The final Terran Gambit Mission! This was an incredibly long mission with multiple parts and I think it took me almost 2 hours to complete, but it was so gosh darn fun! From what I recall since this was a long while ago, and I still prior to this mission wasn’t very good at documenting these things, is in the Mirror Universe the Emperor (who is Wesley Crusher) was able to get assistance from The Other which is V’Ger’s counterpart in our Main Universe.
The initial mission has us racing The Other through the Sol System as it’s on the way to intercept Earth. We help out the fleet and stop at the Jupiter Station to help the station evacuate while The Other ‘deletes’ it from existence, along with every other planet in the Sol System. Afterwards we head to Mars and do a similar objective, but get as many people off the surface as we can.
The Jupiter one went pretty effortlessly, but the Mars’ part was bonkers! A lot of space firefights going on while trying to transport folks off the surface. It took a few tries. After that, everyone falls back to Earth to defend it from the incoming super threat. Upon arriving at Earth none other than V’Ger arrives to help defend against The Other.
My little U.S.S. Astera II taking on a large I.S.S. fleet alongside the flagship herself, the U.S.S. Enterprise F was such a blast to do! After coming out victorious in the skirmish, we’re lead into the inner section of The Other to stop Emperor Crusher.
This section was so neat!! It was so similar to scenes from Star Trek: The Motion Picture! The detail was incredible! While flying through this enormous entity, there were a few more skirmishes with more Mirror Universe starships. Nothing really of difficult until the final section.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any images from this part, but if you’ve seen Star Trek: The Motion Picture, it’s that part where Kirk and the Away Team have to set out on foot to reach V’Ger. This part was fairly difficult, even with now understanding how to swap to shooter mode for the ground missions. I honestly think this part took the longest, but after almost dying a few times, we made it out on top and stopped the Emperor with the help of his mother and The Other stopped its attack on Earth.
All factions and teams, Mirror Universe as well, stop at Earth Space Dock to debrief and everyone heads back to their respective realities. The Other puts everything back that it ‘deleted’ and heads back to the Mirror Universe with everyone else. This whole series of Missions were so fun, even if they got difficult, and the finale was SO AWESOME! I very much was squeaking and geeking out while doing it.
From there, I just decided to relax at Earth Space Dock until another day.
Learned how to wear comfier clothes instead of my Starfleet uniform while on ‘off duty,’ and took a long-earned rest until the next mission.