Dragon Tails: The End of Days

The two of them, in pure silence, gazing out at what was and what could have been should they have not succeeded. While one perpetually ponders the ‘what-if?’ the other only sees how far they have come and accomplished. They have done so much, the two of them together, and much more lies ahead before them.

Just for a moment though, time seems to freeze seeing what had happened and what could have passed, but it did not and the two of them are thankful they were able to help stop the second coming of the End of Days.

“Let’s go, Cuz, we’ve seen how this plays out, and gave it Hells. We got a lot of tails to kick on the road ahead.”
Laureine snaps out of her thoughts and glances over at Lizicus showing her usual confident smirk back at her. She smiles with what confidence she can muster, and they both return to their world below, safe from what could have come to pass once again.